I believe in prayer. I believe in the power of prayer. I believe prayer is the most underutilized resource and weapon given to the Believer. Through prayer, we have the power to change the trajectory of our lives and intervene on behalf of others. Prayer is a weapon. It is our ammunition against an unrelenting enemy whose purpose is to destroy. There is authority and power against a legion of evil forces when we bend a knee and raise our voice.
We are a bless people. We have been uniquely positioned this side of the cross with purpose and intention. Long before the cross, before the Via Delorosa, before the crown of thorns and nails in the wrists, personal connection with God was limited to the priests. And even for the priests the ability to come to God was under strict rules. But all that changed with three simple words, “It is finished…” And just like that, we can enter into the throne room of our almighty holy God and lay down every hurt, pain, struggle, frustration and fear. Anytime, and anywhere He turns His ear to our voice. But for some reason, we don’t.
We don’t pray enough. We come to church on Sundays and worship a God that many of us have not taken the time to really know. We choose to live as though that freedom to enter the throne room of grace doesn’t exist. We’d rather waste time on social media with meaningless nonsense that does nothing good except numb us to our realities. We’d rather binge on Netflix or other mindless series that offers nothing more than deprivation of our minds. We’d rather scroll through our phones wasting life. We say we believe and trust and know God is powerful yet our prayer lives reflect something of the contrary. It’s a shame.
I challenge you to become a person of prayer. There is power in the posture of surrender to a Holy God. There is power when we raise our voice to the Almighty King. There is hope. There is change. He makes beauty out of ashes. There is restoration. There is reconciliation. There is sanctification. But it all starts, on bended knee.
Don’t leave your life, and the lives of those you love to chance. Become a person of prayer. As a Believer, it is the best journey you will ever take.

Empowered on Bended Knee
“The refining fire is often brought on by suffering and it is in those moments, we experience the presence of God in the most intimate way.”
“Unplug the world and plug into Jesus.” (YHWH).
“Don’t leave your life and the lives of those you love to chance.
Begin each day with prayer.”
“The old is gone… behold, I am doing something new. And through it all, my eyes are on Him… and it is well with me.“
–The HOLY BIBLe and CandY