Life can take some crazy turns. And we’ve all experienced them at one time or another. Some good some bad. Some exciting and fun. While others terrifying and hard. We just don’t always know what lies ahead. It’s all part of the wild ride called life.
Sometimes, the unexpected presents itself as opportunity that you must cease. It’s a giant fork in the road. A decision that requires letting go of one, to embrace the other. Walking away, to begin something new. There’s sadness and sorrow while at the same time excitement and thrill. It’s a decision that requires the boldness of faith and the endurance to press through the unknown.
It’s the not settling for being settled. It’s allowing life to rattle you to something knew. It’s responding to a call. It’s allowing the Holy Spirit to take you to the unknown. It’s just so radically cool!
Almost seven years ago, my youngest graduated high school. He went off to Biola Univeristy to become a history teacher. A passion that was instilled by a high school history teacher, Ms. Canales. Along with that, he wanted to coach basketball and track and field; two of the many sports he played so well.
He worked hard during his time in college. He ran track, worked part-time, and was on the president’s cabinet. He managed to graduate in three years with honors.
He didn’t immediately pursue his dream. He took a detour. A significant detour. He married his high school sweetheart, bought a house, and took a job at the Human Coalition. He is a lover of life my boy, and has always fought for the unborn. He would later become a social worker helping men and women through their trauma. He’s a big-hearted guy.
But the call to teach never left. It was burning inside. And the more he prayed, the harder the pull. He loved his job but could no longer deny the overwhelming call into education.
I’ve realized that teaching really is a calling. It’s a ministry and not a profession to be taken lightly. And if you are called, you know it. You feel it. And there is an unsettledness that just cannot be shaken. That was my boy.
He pursued his credential but not planning on making a move for another year or so. And then that unexpected fork in the road.
A position opened at Clemmons Creek middle school in Anna. A position teaching 6th and 7th grade history. He would also be coaching basketball and track. I recall a dream he had several years ago……. On a whim and a prayer, he applied. He knew it was a long shot. After all, it was mid-year and he didn’t have the experience required. But sometimes, doors just unexpectedly open. Things don’t always have to make sense to be the right path. They hired my boy and he starts Monday.
An unexpected detour. A career change. A call that couldn’t be silenced. A crazy twist. A step of faith. A call to courage. A leap into the unknown was presented. A new road was paved. An open door to a passion that wouldn’t lay dormant. And so, he must go.
I won’t lie, he’s nervous! Downright scared. He left something he truly loved to begin something very new. But that’s where trust comes in. We just free fall into the arms of Jesus allowing him to lead. Oh it’s frightening for sure. And yet, peaceful at the same time.
And the story gets even better. His older brother Kevin will be his mentor. Yes, Kevin teaches science to 7th and 8th graders. He’s in his third year of teaching. Two Mr. A’s. Two Mr. Alcosibas. Two of my sons. Two educators. And one proud mama.
Philippians 1:6 “For I am confident of this very thing, that he who, began a good work in you, will be faithful to perfect it to the day of Christ Jesus.”
Until they day we go home, the twists and turns are His way of perfecting what He started. This is just one of many my sweet boy.