The Bible says the cross conquered and overcame death. I believe that to be true. Therefore, with that truth in mind, I don’t believe we die, but rather transition from this life in our physical bodies here on earth, to eternity. Eternity is guaranteed for everyone, that is another promise in scripture. But where you…
Category: The Afterlife
Where Will You Spend Eternal Life?
We don’t like to talk much about Hell. After all, it’s not fitting dinner conversation. We don’t even want to think about such a place because it makes us uncomfortable. And for many, even so-called Believers, hell just doesn’t fit into their idea of a loving God. But it is real, and if you belong…
The Scariest Passage in Scripture
One of the most terrifying passages in Scripture is found in Roman 1. Three times Paul tells us “God gave them over….” He gave them over to what? Well, Romans 1 cannot be any clearer but simply put, to their sin. He gave them over to the wickedness in their hearts. He let them go….