We don’t like to talk much about Hell. After all, it’s not fitting dinner conversation. We don’t even want to think about such a place because it makes us uncomfortable. And for many, even so-called Believers, hell just doesn’t fit into their idea of a loving God. But it is real, and if you belong to a church that doesn’t believe in the reality of hell, run as fast as you can because chances are, the rest of their doctrine is out of line with scripture.
Most people have their own ideas of Satan and hell. We can thank Hollywood for much of that. But the reality is, even with all the advances in technology and cinematography, there is nothing out there that is remotely close to an accurate depiction of hell.
Total separation from God is something we can’t fathom because God is present. Just because many folks don’t believe or follow Jesus doesn’t mean He isn’t active in this world. He is. And nonbelievers reap the benefits of His presence here on earth without even knowing it.
People are misled, misguided and have a false understanding of who goes to hell and who doesn’t. Ask yourself that question. Most people will say that good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell. There is an unfounded belief that “bad” people, you know, murders, rapist, thieves, liars, well, they go to hell and they deserve hell.
People like to convince themselves that good people go to heaven, because most people think of themselves as “good” people. You know, honest folks, moral folks. People who are kind, compassionate, giving of their time and money, helping others; your basic good people. And while these are attributes that every human should try to reflect, the Bible is clear, good morals doesn’t keep you from eternal damnation. I guarantee this, there will be many do-gooders in hell.
But many are caught up in this false rhetoric, good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell and since I am not a bad person, I’m going to heaven. If you believe that because some pastor preached those words, well shame on him because he lied and your eternal destiny is in jeopardy.
Here’s a Biblical truth. Every person that lives or has ever lived has eternal life. We all will live forever. When we close our eyes and take that final breath, we transition to eternity. Some will transition to be with the Lord and others will spend eternity in darkness forever separated from God. And yes, it is a permanent state, there aren’t anymore do-overs. All the screaming, crying, pleading, and praying won’t move the hand of God to let you out. Your fate has been sealed and you sealed it. There is no resting in peace for the soul. You are either with Christ celebrating, worshipping and in full glory, or you are in a permanent state of damnation.
You will never find two destinations that are so drastically contrasting of one another. And here’s the beauty of the Gospel, we get to choose! It’s our choice. So who in their right mind would chose the darkness of hell? We wonder. But everyday that choice is being made.
I agree, following after Christ is hard. Jesus told us Himself that following Him wouldn’t be easy. The road would be painful and tough. Because this road requires us to admit, that maybe we don’t have all the answers and maybe we really don’t know it. all. Maybe, just maybe, our ways and thoughts and ideas about how this life should be lived are completely wrong. Maybe we really do need Jesus to show us what is truth.
And that’s where the road to hell widens because that innate part of the human DNA called pride stops so many. The very thought of not living for ourselves is unappealing and troubling. You know, pursuing “our best life now…and surrendering our life to a higher, greater, Holy authority. It is just too much. And the highway to hell continues to become more congested.
See, asking Christ into your life can’t be some simple prayer or words uttered to escape hell. God knows the heart. It’s gotta be this total and complete surrender of your life, your will and control over your life. And it is the best decision you will ever make.
Allow the life-changing power of Jesus Christ to redeem and restore. Allow Him to change your life. Allow him to change the direction of your highway. You won’t regret it.
Message me if you want to know more about making Jesus Christ Lord and Savior of your life.