The Bible says the cross conquered and overcame death. I believe that to be true. Therefore, with that truth in mind, I don’t believe we die, but rather transition from this life in our physical bodies here on earth, to eternity.
Eternity is guaranteed for everyone, that is another promise in scripture. But where you spend it is entirely up you. The Bible tells us we will be shocked who is there and who isn’t. And I believe people will also be shocked as they are transitioning, believing they are going to one destiny, yet realizing their fate is in another. There are no words to describe what that moment will be like for the tormented soul.
See, people get wrong all the time. They insist because they are basically good, rule abiding, citizens who serve their community with compassion and heart, that they are destined to the glories of heaven and eternity with Jesus. Gotta read the Scriptures again because you’ve been misled. Nowhere does it say that.
Eternity is unimaginable. It goes on and on forever with no end and no change. Once you have transitioned from this life to the next, there are no more transitions. That is your final destiny.
But most people aren’t living for eternity, they are living for the now. But living for the now will solidify your eternity.
We deceive ourselves so we can feel good, and we allow ourselves to be deceived so we can continue with the lifestyle we choose. Dangerous. Reckless. Arrogant. But mostly, foolish.
Anton Lavey, a self-professed worshipper of Satan and author of the the Satanic bible, he was deceived. His deception is blatantly obvious and disturbing. But, he was convinced Satanism was the path of all paths and he willingly chose it.
On his death bed, as he was transitioning, his very last words were “What did I do, what’s wrong?” And in sheer horror and panic, he breathed his last breath and transitioned to an eternal damnation, a condemnation no one can imagine. Completely deceived by the deceiver, he believed a lie.
Most people don’t come close to Anton Lavey, but not following Christ leads to the same destiny. There are no hierarchies of sin or levels of heaven. All sin separates us from God and only a life surrendered to Jesus can restore us and lead us to the throne.
People want to grace their way out of truth but the reality is, they go hand-in-hand. God’s grace is for everyone but He defines the terms not us. That is where people mess up, they get it wrong. They convince themselves they can continue living the way they want and slide into heaven.
There is only one way into heaven. One way into God‘s kingdom and that is by surrendering your life to Jesus Christ. Don’t be deceived.
Surrender means you are letting go and giving up your rights to your life. You are agreeing to lay your life down and allow Jesus to raise a new life in you. Your life now belongs to Him and how you live it out matters and should look different.
It’s not an easy choice, and not one that should be entered into lightly because the reality is, it is a narrow road to follow. But the blessings are endless.
According to Scripture, we are living in the last days. Transitioning is coming for all of us. Don’t allow the seemingly pleasures of this life to derail you from the next.
Don’t let your last words be what did I do? What is wrong? Let them be I am finally home.