What a difference 20 years make.
20 years ago our nation became United in the best of ways through the most horrific circumstance. An attack on our soil, plotted and executed by pure evil, left a debris of chaos and death that went straight to the hearts of the people.
Terrified confusion was our posture as we watched in horror innocent men, women and children wiped away in one giant sweep. Just like that people were simply gone. Their life was over. Many became dust. People were crushed and suffocated. They suffered in agony as they experienced long painful deaths. And we, as a nation witnessed this chilling horror.

In one short moment, life dramatically changed for everyone. 9/11 was no longer just a day that signified a summer end and fall beginning. 9/11 would become a chapter in history that would be studied, analyzed, commemorated and mourned. It has become part of our landscape, a tragedy that moved us forward, better stronger and more powerful. Because the United States of America was built on soil saturated with innocent blood, with confidence, we knew, once again we would rise. We’d prevail because we are, USA.
The buildings easily collapsed, but we, the people, we the people of the land of the free would not. We linked arms, brother with brother, stranger with stranger, and we fought our way back. We were something back then. The worst day became a day we pivoted towards unity, strength and power.
What happened to us? We’ve become vulnerable, weak, divided and now conquered. Don’t our children deserve what we had? Don’t our grandchildren deserve to inherit the freedoms fought for by our ancestors? Don’t they deserve to witness that same determination we had on 9/12 to restore our nation? What is this day if we so flippantly say “never forget” and continue allowing tyrrancial rule to reign? Don’t say never forget when we clearly forgot.
Freedom is work. Freedom is sacrifice. Freedom is achieved through fight and grit. Freedom is never free. And now, our freedom is slipping away.
Never forget means mobilize and move. Otherwise, we will soon be relishing in sweet memories of freedom as we exist in bondage.
9/11 is a rough day for everyone. Don’t roll into 9/12 allowing today to go in vain. Stand-up and fight for freedom.
In loving memory of those who lost their lives this day 20 years ago. I am so grateful for those men and women in blue who sacrificed for the sake of others and my freedom. This woman will never forget.

43Kyle Alcosiba, Lindsey Alcosiba and 41 others
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