I got this photo from a friend. It’s a frightening photo when you think of the reality. I thought about it a lot. I hate it. I hate it because this is a great depiction of the unseen spiritual realm. And let me be as clear as possible, this is real. This is what is circling all around you, and me, our loved ones and our children. It’s terrifying. But what is more disturbing is how little we do about it.
Wars are happening everywhere. The ongoing combat in Russia and Ukraine is taking its toll on their people. And do I really need to mention the bloodbath in the Middle East? Evil flows through the veins of those wanting to exterminate the Jewish people. It’s not about land, religion and definitely not peace. It’s hate. Understand, no amount of treaties formed will ever lead to peace in the Middle East. We’ve got it all wrong. This war was born in the unseen spiritual realm.
Scripture tells us our battle is not against flesh and blood. But it is against the demonic forces in the spiritual realms. We just are the useful idiots that the enemy uses to accomplish his work.
I don’t mean that as a hurtful statement and I include myself in that group. I guess I just wonder what it will take for us to take this seriously and do whatever is needed to fight.
Nobody has a better work ethic than Satan. His determination to get his job done drives him. His commitment to destruction feeds his evil ways. His never ending quest to kill, fuels and energizes him. And he does this every second of everyday of every year of our lives. And we allow it. We do more than allow it, we pave the way recklessly giving him access and control to places in our lives.
We get comfortable and sloppy and we don’t even recognize that the enemy has taken territory in our lives and those we love. We so easily surrender our minds to Godless nonsense. Why? When we have the power and authority to dismantle the gates of hell, would we choose to look away and do nothing.
He’s gaining ground. We see it in our schools. The corrosion of the school system breeds a warped ideology that leads to carnage. And it will only get worse.
Pornography is in the palms of our hands. With a tap of the finger minds are corroded with images that reshape the way men view women. Adultery is being committed behind the screen so easily. It’s all so damaging. We’ve distorted sex. We’ve distorted God’s perfect design. We took pleasure in doing it.
Satan is the master of confusion. And he’s confused a vulnerable people who have discarded his word. The realization that people are confused about gender is heartbreaking. What is happening isn’t God’s plan. Satan leads us into delusion and I can’t think of any greater fallacy.
We indulge ourselves in the mindlessness of social media, video games, television, and with people who could care less about a biblical worldview. And the wars keep coming. They are on our home fronts. They’re even in our churches.
Isn’t it time we rise up and do battle the way God intended? Isn’t it time we fight for our sons, and daughters, husbands and friends? Don’t call yourself a Christian if you aren’t willing to get in the fight. This is war. We have a bloodthirsty enemy on the frontlines of our lives.
This photo is real. For everyone of us it is real. And we have the power to rise up and conquer the demons in our lives. Everyday we have opportunity for victory. Everyday we are called to intercede for those we love and those who are lost.
Pray. Saturate yourself in the word of God. The war is real. Rise up warrior! Take your shield, and sword and fight like never before.