And they waited…. They waited for that blessed hope that would bring salvation, redemption, forgiveness and healing. They waited for decades and centuries believing the prophetic words of the prophets. They waited in hope, expectation, joy and with a great faith.
But overtime, many grew weary in the waiting and started to wander. They put their hope in idols, treasures, and a life that would one day end. Many became cyncical as those shadows of doubts began to creep in and consume them. Many just didn’t believe at all, a Savior? It was all too far-fetched to put that kind of trust.
Waiting can be agony and waiting can be unbearable. Waiting can be especially difficult when anticipating the birth of complete restoratiom of mankind to God. That longing to be fulfilled, and then waking up empty had to bring a sense of hopelessness.
But those that waited, those with hope that wouldn’t waiver and those that put their faith in the Word of God, well, they had renewed strength. They mounted up with wings like eagles and began to run without growing weary.
They didn’t chase after a dream or hold on to empty promises by the rulers of the day. They didn’t distract themselves with the things of the world. Money, pleasure, and idols were not antidotes to fill the void in the waiting. They didn’t need that because they knew. They believed.
And He eventually arrived. But He didn’t come the way most thought He would. They expected the Savior to do a holy beat down of all the unrighteousness of the day. But it didn’t happen that way. He came humble, and meek. He was fully man yet fully God. Too great for us simpletons to comprehend. And that is why so many choose not to acknowledge Him.
Nonetheless, He came, as foretold. And on that blessed day, hope was restored. Salvation for a lost people was on the horizon. Separation from our God was coming to an end.
The story that was prophesied continued. He lived. He loved. He healed. He forgave. He restored. He was crucified. He rose again! And He did this for the most gross of all, mankind.
Here’s the thing, those prophetic words don’t end with Christmas. No, that was just the beginning. He’s coming back! But this time, it will look very different. He’s coming back wearing a crown and carrying a scepter. He’s coming back bringing judgement with Him, and that is a promise that has been foretold…… But most importantly, our Blessed hope, our Redeemer, well, He’s coming back to get us and to take us home.
Whether you choose to believe or not is irrelevant to the fact that Jesus Christ is rising from His throne in heaven and getting ready to come back. Every prophecy of the Word has been fulfilled and set up on earth for His mighty entrance. It will happen. Like a thief in the night, it will happen.
So many people missed the first arrival of Christ. Today, millions are still lost and missing out. There’s still time. But that time is rapidly coming to an end. That window of opportunity is closing and once it closes, a fate is sealed for all eternity.
There is one higher power and that is God and you only get to Him through Jesus Christ. It isn’t an “all things lead to God” or a culmination of religions, or “I’m a good person.” You get to God through Jesus and Jesus only. He declared, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6. Why celebrate Christmas if you don’t have Christ?
It’s wild how He foretold the story of the birth of Christ beginning in Genesis. He laid out His master plan of redemption right from the start. He promised us He’d bring salvation through His son thousands of years before it happened.
And He also foretold that He will come back. He spoke of His mighty return. He has given prophecy and signs in His Word, thee Word. The only absolute truth we can hold onto. It’s been around since the beginning. It’s not outdated or antiquated, in fact, it is more relevant than ever!
The way of the world leads to death. The way of Jesus leads to eternal life. This Christmas I pray you choose the road less traveled. I pray you choose Christ.