5th marathon for my boy. 3:05 for this 26.2
My boys mirror their dad in just about everything. And it’s good. My husband is sharp, talented, musical and more. But they get their passion to run from me, and I’m proud that I could pass that one onto them.
There was a time that I had to make them run. They weren’t always crazy in love with this sport. At age 4 they were racing. I pushed them and pushed them hard (they will tell you). I challenged them to push themselves, and they do. We became this runner family.
But today, I celebrate this one. He runs his race well. He pushes, perseveres, and always strives to be better. But that drive isn’t just for the race on the road, that’s the easy race. He maintains this steadfast tenacity with his life, the race that has been set before him.
“Deny yourself and take up your cross daily.” I don’t think people really understand the great charge in that command. It literally means to lay everything down. You must lay down your desires, feelings, and wants, and pursue Christ with everything inside you. It’s not easy to do, especially when the world screams a message that runs contrary to the Word of God.
This type of fervency is only possible if there is a deep, real passionate love for Jesus Christ. A real love that puts Him over you. It’s a love that causes you to chase after Jesus and never look back. It’s a love that most won’t understand. It’s a devotion that won’t make sense. That’s my son. Not perfect, but relentless.
He surpassed me in running at age 11…. They all did. But he’s also surpasses me in many other ways. He’s wise beyond years and He’s this Godly example of what it looks like to run the race well.
I’m on this really cool side of parenting now. My boys are grown men, they are adulting and my role in their lives has shifted. I often fine myself learning and growing from their few adult years of wisdom. I’m challenged and encouraged by them.
Funny how life shifts….. I’m finding that now they are the ones at the finish line pushing, guiding, leading me home. And I realize, this is exactly how it should be.
Next stop, Grandmas Minnesota!