Jeremiah 5:12 They have lied about the LORD; they said, “He will do nothing! No harm will come to us; we will never see sword or famine.
In the days of Jeremiah, the prophets were speaking falsely and the priests were ruling with their own ideas and authority and the people, well, they loved it!
The people didn’t want to hear that they needed to repent. The people did not want to hear they were living in sin, disobedience and idolatry. The people did not want to hear that judgement was coming. They wanted their ears tickled. They wanted to hear what they wanted to hear and so the priests and prophets gave them what they wanted, and the people lived blindly to the truth. Then, just as promised, judgement came. What a horrific time.
It is a sad day when we go outside of God’s Word and plan in an effort to satisfy our own ideas and desires. That type of rebellion means we boldly and willingly step into the world’s belief and value system and move away from God and what He says.
So sad that in these days so many are willfully aligning themselves with the world. So many pastors and preachers are like those in the days of Jeremiah; they refuse to preach truth, the whole of the Bible. It has been watered down so it is easily digestible for the sheep. Messages aren’t sharp, piercing between joint and marrow and soul and spirit. There is a desire to make people comfortable and it is with that mentality, the Truth is forsook.
The great flood in the days of Noah was a result of a repugnant world living contrary to God. Sodom and Gomorrah is another example of God’s judgement to a disobedient people. We like to think of these stories as of the past and while they happened in the past, they are a mere foreshadowings of the future and what will come as promised in Scripture.
It is all there, in the Scripture, Old Testament and New Testament of what will come; sadly, it isn’t being taught and in places it is taught, some folks don’t want to hear; they’d rather have their ears tickled. But whether you want to hear or not, it’s coming.
God will call attention to judgement long before it is poured out. Take a look at what is happening in our world. We are tracking in a very parallel way to Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Jeremiah, and judgment came less than a generation later.
This is the refining process. The wheat is being separated from the chaff. God is separating those who speak truth from those who distort and abandon the Word of God. So many out there are like the wind, they are movement without substance.
Jeremiah was a man of substance. He spoke truth when nobody wanted to hear it and they hated him for it. The world needs more Jeremiahs to stand up up and speak truth. The world needs more substance and less movement; which one are you?