A few weeks ago I went rock climbing with just a few of our young adults from church. I had no idea what to expect and what it turned out to be wasn’t even close to what I had imagined.
If I am honest, I was somewhat terrified. These were ginormous rocks and every time I conquered one, another was right there in front of me. I had no choice but to keep going. Harder and higher with every step, I somehow managed to press forward.
I was consumed with fear as I climbed those rocks and a flood of retrospective thought rushed through my mind. Because once upon a time, I was a young and fearless, girl who was a daredevil at heart, embracing risks and challenges with open arms. I wondered where did that girl go? But deep down, I knew. Years crept up and stole so much of her away.

With the help of some pretty darn amazing people, I found a giant piece of her that day. I realized, she was there all along but just needed some help and guidance along the way because she wasn’t properly equipped for the journey. And so, those around her paved the way.
Isn’t that so much like our journey in life? The never ending and ongoing challenges that present themselves as ginormous boulders keeping us from getting to our destinies. It’s hard. It’s painful and every step becomes agonizing to the point of wanting to give up.
The thing is, we weren’t meant to do this life alone. It was never God’s intention for us to scale the mountain solo. Sometimes we need folks to tell us when and where to step. And you know what, it’s okay and it’s good.
This present season of life is rocky and difficult. There are layers of pain and sadness that are so deep, they have left me emotionally drained and exhausted. But I’m not on this journey alone. I’ve got this community of believers both young and older holding my arms up and pushing me onward and upward. And step by step, I’m closer to where He wants me.
These photos are a small glimpse of a much larger and beautiful community that surround me. I am reminded that greater is He who is in me, than anything of this world.