Deception, The Enemy’s Most Fierce Weapon
There is a battle raging in the heavenly realms and it is fierce. The enemy has an arsenal of weaponry and a frontline military waging war at every moment. Destruction, pain, torment, and death are the goal of this army of demons that scheme strategies against each and every person in this world.
Now, I will never give kudos to Satan because he is the author of evil and deserves no praise, but I must give him credit where credit is due, and he is excellent at his job, a hard worker, and fiercely dedicated to his demonic cause.
The enemy has much ammunition and is highly skilled in his attacks. As believers, we should already know this, and we should already be on defense with the powerful weaponry we have been given but for some reason so many are not.
It seems like the enemy is plowing through believers and the church in a hostile takeover. So many have laid down their weapons and not only surrendered, but willingly walked into the enemy camp.
All the while, the enemy and his minions laugh with malicious tones and celebrate their success congratulating each other on how easy it was to ensnare and capture these one-time dedicated followers of Christ or I guess so called followers of Christ. They used the oldest trick in the Book, and by Book, I mean Bible. That trick is deception.
The definition of deception is one most of us know. Deception is the act or practice of deceiving—lying, misleading, or otherwise. But here is something that left me intrigued. The definition of deception in the Greek translation mirrors the English, except for one added verb and that is, victimization. I find that not only interesting, but spot on because sadly, deception creates so many victims and even sadder, most folks don’t even realize they have become victims.
Deception, the fiercest weapon of the enemy, and he knows how to use it. That is why in 1 Peter 5 we are told to be sober-minded and watchful because our adversary who is the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, just looking to devour someone. We so easily become his prey and his victims through the vehicle of deception. Sadly, it is often easy for the enemy because we recklessly, almost willingly, walk right into it. We walk around with an unguarded mind.
People in general seem confident in their ability to discern. I believe it is safe to say that our own human pride and arrogance give us that confidence. But do we ever ask the question, are we discerning correctly? That may be hard because then we’d have to lower that wall of pride – a wall that should have never been erected – and consider our ability to discern correctly.
I have learned that there are those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ who are not really followers of Jesus Christ at all they only think they are because you know, at summer camp they made a decision or they attend church every Sunday. How can I make such a statement? Well, it is easy because a true follower of Jesus Christ is a student, a disciple, a follower of the Word of God and will produce holy fruit. But if you claimto be a follower of Christ and are a student or disciple of the media, social media, and the culture, and those will become like the fig tree in Mark 11 that was cursed by Jesus because it had leaves, and no fruit. In other words, talked the talk but failed miserably to live the life of faith. They become miserably misled.
The Bible says in Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. This was written for us! The world is sending a very attractive message but is it possible that it is wrapped in deception?
If you are spending more time getting your information from the “news” and social media, -you know those platforms, the platforms that censor anything that does not align with the scripted narrative to ensure everyone thinks and believes the same – then you are being conformed to the world. You are being deceived and you are becoming a victim of the enemy.
There are no second chances when you stand before the throne of judgement. You can’t look to Jesus in that moment and plead ignorance for getting it wrong and there are no more do overs at that point. Don’t allow this world to conform you and shape you, renew your mind by the Word of Jesus Christ while there is still time.
Adam and Eve were deceived, and God was literally there in the Garden. It was easy, they got their mind off of truth and in an instant, they lost everything. Don’t fall victim to the enemy by being easily deceived.