My parent’s house went on the market today. It is somewhat bittersweet. I am excited, thankful and overjoyed because they are moving to Texas and will be close to me. However I’m a little sad and feeling somewhat nostalgic as I say goodbye to my childhood home. Saying goodbye to Sorrento Park Court is harder than it was saying goodbye to my home on Cedar Blvd.
I’m one of the lucky ones… home was this safe place where I never knew fear or worry. Although my parents experienced many hardships and struggles I never knew, I was sheltered from all that and just had to focus on being a kid, having fun, and enjoying life. Yeah, my parents are pretty amazing.
Even as an adult with kids, going home was always to Sorrento because going home always meant safety, peace, a calming presence and of course love. I have the most amazing memories on Sorrento. I learned pretty much everything there and experience most of life’s firsts.
We had the most amazing neighbors and who are friends. Baseball, kickball, hide n seek until all hours of those hot August nights. It was the kind of childhood that are made into happy stories.
I’m so thankful for that house, that home on Sorrento Park Court. Everything that happened between those walls and that court shaped who I am today. That home was powerful, open, a safe place for everyone. Everyone who entered that home felt it. That home was a house of prayer. That home was my home.
2018 has been a year of letting go, but everything that I have had to let go of has been returned tenfold and I would t trade it, neither will they.
I’m so excited for the new home my parents have here in Texas. This too will be a safe place filled with family, friends, laughter, tears, prayer and love.
Goodbye Sorrento Park Court! The Gerry, Klosky, Alcosiba families have moved to Texas!
Debbie Klosky Frank Klosky Kelly Anne Klosky Casey Klosky Carrie Navarro Gerry Jesica Kull Emily Gerry Kenny Alcosiba Kevin Alcosiba Kyle Alcosiba Lindsey Alcosiba Sharon McCall Gerry