There are about 100 billion stars that are born and dying every year, which corresponds to about 275 million per day in the whole observable universe. 275 million stars born every day! I don’t think we fully grasp the magnitude, and power of our God, our master, our creator.
What is more fascinating is Psalm 147:4 “He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.” God names each of the stars! He considers the stars, these beautiful bright lights in the sky, so important, and so precious that He names them; He loves and cares for them enough to give them a name. While others see only the beauty of these majestical, heavenly lights, our God sees them at a deeper and more intimate level. Every star in the present and past is different, unique, and there are no two stars alike. I find this mind boggling.
The tender love, and craftmanship by the Master for every star past or present, is amazing, and I sit in awe of His creativity. But this brilliance doesn’t parallel, or even come close to the engineering and design of mankind. His passion and love for the stars simply pale in comparison to His love for us. After all, He never went to a cross for the stars in the sky, but in a heartbeat, He’d do it again for disgraceful mankind.
Our mere mortal minds cannot fathom the love that God has for us – it is as mind boggling as the reproduction of stars on a daily basis. But just because we can’t perceive it, or may not even believe it, the reality is, His love is real and true. Every human creation is passionately, deeply and personally loved by their Creator, our God.
It is hard to comprehend that an all perfect God, Creator, Master, Lord, has such unrelenting love for such vile sinful people. Rejection, failure, disobedience, pride, anger, and every form of immorality are all woven into our fabric called the human nature and that position separates us from our God, but never His love. Even at our most detestable, He loves us. His love by way of the cross makes access to the throne room possible. We can tap into that perfect, pure, and powerful love by attaching ourselves to Jesus Christ. That truly is the only way.
There are days when life and circumstance become so heavy and painful that getting out of bed is a chore. Those are the days that I marinate in His love until healing comes and wholeness is restored. I am reminded that just like the billions of stars in the sky, with names, and uniqueness, He sees me, and I matter. El Roi, the God who sees looks down from heaven and sees my broken heart, shattered dreams and wounded soul and He weeps and then loves me to restoration.
Our maker, our Lord, the Creator and lover of our souls wants to love all over you and restore the pieces of your life. If He takes the time to name the stars and create the with purpose, how much more His love for you? Step away from yourself, and into Him, He’s waiting to shower His amazing love all over you