There are many misconceptions about Christianity. These misconceptions exist among many people. Some are scholars and leaders, pastors, speakers. These ideas have taken off because they are attractive. They sound good, reasonable and seem to be more relatable to the nature of people.
There is a progressiveness in the Christian faith that has become quite alluring. It entices like the forbidden fruit appearing good and sensible and yet, still leads to death. Nonetheless, people are disembarking, or better yet, deconstructing their faith and embracing a so-called newer, and seemingly better version of the Christian faith, which really isn’t faith at all.
Christianity has become offensive on every level. We live in a highly charged and overly sensitive world so this shouldn’t be news to anyone. If a Biblical belief system appears hurtful or goes against a desired lifestyle, it is then deemed abusive, hurtful and wrong. You can’t tell me how to live; I am who I am.
These folks believe that a Believer, a follower of Jesus Christ is oppressed. This stronghold to biblical world views is tyrannical and unaccepting. It’s repressive nature has created hostility. There must be a better version of this faith.
These views about Christianity are wrong. They are deeply rooted in a false ideaology created by people who don’t understand the Gospel. It terrifies me that this is the new religion of choice. But I get it because it allows people to remain in the lifestyles they choose. It allows people to take Jesus without surrendering to Him.
The word of God and His will for us is only oppressive to the flesh and our sinful nature. Jesus made it clear, we must die to ourselves, we must crucify the flesh. We must be reborn. That’s a hard request of Jesus. That’s a road most don’t want to follow because it requires humility, faith and trust that His ways are higher and better than ours. Taking up the cross requires too much sacrifice. And that, is why so many embrace this progressive Christianity movement because it creates a caveat to keep our flesh alive.
Yes, Christianity is oppressive, it is oppressive to the flesh. It is for all of us. Every person walking out their faith struggles with the battle of the flesh. And that’s what stops so many. They don’t want to give up a lifestyle, or a belief system, or dare I say, a sin. It hurts to let go. It is uncomfortable and it’s a battle. And yet, that is the requirement.
People want Jesus without surrender. They want eternity but want on the broad road. That’s not Christ. That’s not salvation. And that definitely not Christianity.
You cannot come to Christ without denying yourself and taking up your cross. The cross is death. In those days nobody carried a cross unless they were on their way to be crucified. If someone took up their cross, they weren’t coming back. It’s the same concept with our faith; we come to Him, crucify ourself, are born again and never look back.
But here’s the thing, here’s reality of crucifying the flesh; it leads to life! It leads to freedom. It leads to eternity. No, you are not perfect, but along with new life is new mercy every morning, every moment we need.
That, in a nutshell, is Christianity.