Kingdom men need to live their lives in a manner that is holy and pleasing and acceptable to their God. Letting go of this world and all the garbage is part of that process. Retraining the mind so it is bent on Kingdom living takes work, sacrifice and commitment. It also takes recognizing human nature and humility and making the changes necessary.
Pornography destroys the lives of many. It alters the wiring in the brain and confuses God’s intention and design for sex, marriage, love and women with the messed up idea of this corrupt world. Unfortunately, it is everywhere and has been recklessly minimized with such great efforts so we don’t even recognize it when it is right before our eyes. We are desensitized.
Psychiatrists say that pornography is more addicting than cocaine or meth. We don’t seem to take it seriously because it doesn’t physically impair the way drugs do. However, it corrodes the mind, clouds judgement and messes with thoughts and eventually destroys lives.
Why aren’t we talking about it? Why do we minimize it instead of calling it what it is and fighting with all we have to conquer the demons of pornography? Why do we keep our televisions on, radios blasting and follow inappropriate images? Why?
Paul talks excessively about guarding our eyes and our minds. Take it seriously. If you are a man, do whatever if takes to protect your mind by disallowing filth to come into your scope of view.
Stop watching garbage. If you have social media and follow women who continually post photos of themselves inappropriately dressed, then stop following them. It is that easy. If you are more concerned about hurting a friend because you don’t follow them than hurting your wife, future wife and especially Jesus, then it is time to re-examine your heart. You are only hurting them by continuing to follow them.
Women, c’mon, if you are a follower of Jesus then dress the part. You can’t have it both ways. You cannot dress provocatively in an attempt to draw the attention of men, then chastise them when they do. Time to to become Kingdom women in all areas of life including dress.
Aren’t wives and daughters worthy of the fight? Aren’t our husbands and sons worthy of continual intercessory prayer and support? Ladies stop complaining and jump in the fight because this is war and will affect you.
What would it look like if we lived like the bold and brave Nehemiah?
Nehemiah 4:14
“After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.”
Don’t be afraid! Stand up and look at the battle all around us and fight! Fight the war on pornography. Fight with all you have and all you are.
I am fighting and interceding on behalf of my husband, my three sons, nephews, and friends. Don’t be afraid to get in the fight.
Who you fighting for?