National Sister’s Day 2021
Proverbs 3:15 “She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her.”
We grew-up together. Only two years apart but so wildly different.

She, my older, quiet, shy, analytical, rule following, no nonsense, no compromising, insanely genius, tough as nails, sister who at one time shared a room with her younger, goofy, sloppy, mud-loving, bug playing, extremely loud, daring and crazy younger sister, me.
Of course those years we didn’t like each other much at all and we talked even less. We were different in every way. She liked to play indoors, I liked to be outside. She was a book worm, I preferred to play with worms. She made the dean’s list, I made another list. She followed the rules and I broke them. She managed her money and I spent mine. She brushed her teeth, took her bath, did her hair and wore dresses. I was pig.
We argued, we fought, I took her clothes, read her diary, and teased her. She was bossy, a tattle-tell, kinda mean, and could never look at me in the mornings. Rarely could we be in the same room without throwing daggers at each other.
But we are sisters. That upside down, yet oh so unique bond that could never let the other go, she’s my touchstone. We finally grew-up and are best friends.

I’m empowered by her belief in me. I’m changed by her goodness. I am free to be me by her trustworthiness and integrity. I’ve been abundantly blessed by her generosity and giving spirit. I am stronger, richer and better in every way, because of my sister.
So in our fifties, we find ourselves maneuvering through the hardest, most painful time in our lives. I can honestly say, I wouldn’t want to walk through this with anyone else but you!
Happy National Sister’day!