There are days when getting up is just hard. There’s no real reason for it, or some defining event that has occurred, it is just simply the heaviness of life. The weight of the times we live. I see what is happening all around and want to pull the covers over my head and hide. It’s scary.
I think most people can agree, the world has gone mad. It’s downright crazy. It has become this place that is no longer recognizable to what it once was. I struggle to identify with the fast changing culture of our time. I simply cannot embrace these ideologies as progress.
I take a step back and look around. There has never been more anger, confusion, depression or evil. Something is amiss. We have a rogue enemy totally unleashed and on a mission to deceive and destroy.
There are no longer boundaries for morals. Those lines are blurred or pushed so far out to fit the parameters defined by the individual. If it feels good do it. You only live once. You do you and I’ll do me (I hate that adage).
Truth, principals, morals…. It’s all relative these days. Because my truth is not your truth and your truth makes no sense to me. And so, everyone does what is right in their own eyes, just like the Old Testament. We saw how that played itself out…..
What was right and good 50 years ago is an antiquated view and therefore, replaced with an idea or theory stemmed from feelings and emotion. That is a frightening reality, because what is considered lawlessness today may be accepted as reform for the good of mankind tomorrow. Terrifying.
The word of God is the only absolute truth. But we live in a relative world, even relative to many so-called Believers. They agree that His ways are higher than ours, until of course, it gets in the way of what we want.
Somehow, we think we can reconcile the two…. We want to make the Bible fit around our personal truth and convictions. So, we take a little here and leave some out there. You know, we buffet style the word of God. We like what God has to say about murder but don’t dare apply that to the unborn.
And don’t even try to talk about sexual boundaries. We know more. Who is God to be an authority on our sexuality?
We can justify just about anything. Nobody takes responsibility for their life. We blame. And then, we live under the banner of trauma stuck in an idle desert surrounded by anxiety and depression. Is this really progress?
Look, I know that trauma, pain and suffering exist. They are real and have hit us all. But those are not places God called us to take up residence and live. He wants to deliver, heal and restore us to his purpose. We need to take up residence in him and not our hurt.
We are self-absorbed. We love ourselves. And not that it is a total bad thing, but we love ourselves to the detriment of others. We come first. You don’t agree with me or see life through my lens, well then I hate you. You are canceled out of my life. What is that?
We live with this entitled perspective and it is gross. Let me just say it, we deserve nothing.
Jesus warned us it would be this way. The further we go from him the more confused, blinded and lost we become. He gives two choices, follow me and have life or follow the world, which leads to death.
The world is an attractive place when you are longing to satisfy the desires of the mind and flesh. It affirms your choice and allows the boundaries to expand so you can be okay with how you live. But wow, without Jesus, you will simply bleed out to your death. There’s no way around it.
We’re not okay. None of us. We are broken people in need of a Savior. We need to be saved from the lies of the world. We need to be saved from ourselves.
And so I get up. There’s no time to hide and no time to waste. It’s time to fight. The weapon of choice cannot be a cunning tongue or angry tone. It cannot be an in your face post trying to tell off the world. It cannot be complaining about a world- that by the way, is doing exactly what a world without Jesus does…. My weapon is what flows from a surrendered heart and bended knee. It’s crazy to think about the power that has been entrusted to me through prayer!
It’s time to fight. Time is running out.