I haven’t posted much about our church yet, but that doesn’t mean there is nothing to share. Amazing things are happening here in McKinney and God is on the move. I’ve been waiting to pull it all together in detail, but for now, here is quick update.
We knew coming to Texas would come with challenges, and it has. Personally, we’ve experienced an array of struggles. After 3 years of being free from staph Lindsey had an extremely bad infection with lots of side effects. Shortly after that, the McKinney hailstorm hit and totaled two cars and we had to replace our roof. People said “welcome to Texas”. After than storm, we seemed to be more convinced that are exactly where God wants us….
Through it all, our eyes are on Him and it is well and He is faithful. The blessings that have come from that are pretty amazing.
We came to this small church with a bruised and hurt body of people not knowing what to expect. About 13 folks or so in total. Before we left, I thought why leave a church of 300, a ministry for over a decade, dear friends and support, a community that knows and loves us well and a financially good living. We were comfortable. Ministry was safe and, we had gotten complacent.
We as a family started praying that God would help us live out radical faith. We prayed that our dependence would be on Him only. However, those prayers came with ideas of our own on what that would look like….. boy, we were way wrong.
Through a series of events, we came to a crossroads in California where decisions had to be made. We stepped away from our ministry and that step of faith led to another door opening, in Texas.
I’ve been here over 4 months and have never looked back.
Yes, lots of work to be done but this body of believers has got grit. They weathered MANY storms and pain. We walked together through the healing process. They’re pretty awesome people and ready for whatever God is doing.
This is ministry. We are living life by faith. We have nothing to rely on but Jesus and I have never been in that position before. It’s exciting and risky and I have to be in constant prayer everyday. But isn’t that the essence of faith? Total surrender everyday and every way. .
The past three months we have been meeting regularly with the church and conducting our vision casting meetings. We have a new vision and mission and we are on the move with many exciting things rolling out.
The name of the church has been changed and today, we had our first communion service as Redemption Point Alliance church with over 50 people. God is good.
We are working tirelessly to get the improvements done on the building and it is so exciting!! Teams have been formed and are being formed. Weekly prayer meetings with committed folks, dedicated governing board, gracious body, and changing hearts.
We are having a re-grand opening October 6, 2019 and are working madly towards that day.
This is a movement…..the McKinney movement. A movement that will bring Jesus to this amazing community.
There is so much to share but after today, I wanted to give a snip-it of what God is doing..
The folks at Redemption Point, we love you and are grateful for this opportunity!
My family…. my three sons, wow!! Never complained, questioned or fought just got on board and changed their lives for the Kingdom sake. Kenny Alcosiba Kevin Alcosiba Kyle Alcosiba you are the best!
An unexpected blessing happened after we committed to moving…. my entire family joined in and left all behind and came out to Texas. Crazy, absolutely!! We are a tribe!
All our California friends and family. The support, encouragement prayers, confidence in us, texts, phone calls, love and friendship, wow….. you’re part of our journey!
Ryan Kwon thank you for your support. We support and pray always for the movement back home.
I looking forward to sharing more detail soon. Just feeling so blessed!