It is a sad day when the culture of the world dictates the posture of the church. Anyone can find a seeker friendly, prosperity preaching church, they are a dime a dozen, but that isn’t what we need to hear.
So many want their ears tickled in a way that gives them the moral permission to live the way they want. They want sermons that make them feel good. Sorry, that isn’t the Gospel. The Gospel cuts to the core and should cause you to examine yourself in a way that forces you to recognize you need a Savior, Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is not about compromise; you are either with Him or your not. You take the whole of who He is, His Word, as He is the Word, or you don’t. You can’t mold and shape Him into what you want, that is called creating your own God to suit your lifestyle and desires…..a modern day Baal.
Truth needs to be preached. Truth needs to be heard. It doesn’t mean it is easy to hear, listen or abide by, but nonetheless, we are called to truth. Our arrogance leads us to embrace our own ideas of truth; that can get really messy.
When pastor’s and churches compromise the Truth to satisfy people, social movements, and the culture, we’ve lost our purpose and have become nothing more than a shallow building with a cross. We are called to be the light and if that light isn’t illuminating through the Word of God, we have failed.
God is separating the wheat from the chaff and He is doing that not only with His people but His church. He doesn’t want a church that aligns itself with the world. He wants a church that aligns itself with the Truth, the Word of God.
Sadly, we are living in a time where pastors are more concerned about satisfying a congregation than Jesus. It is time for the church to take back their role and responsibility and be dictated by the authority of the Gospel.