War is war. It’s vicious, bloody and horrendous. And yet, often, the only way a nation survives is through war. War has existed since the beginning of time. And until Christ returns, it will never cease.
When it comes to war, there is a horrific reality that most of us will never understand. We read about it and study it and even see photos and movies. But we are so far removed from the deveststation that war brings. But those in the the trenches know. And those families who anxiously await for their soldier to call home have deeper understanding than we ever will. But for most, we we relish in the comfort and safety we live. Protection provided by those living on the frontlines.
War is waged against the enemy. Combat becomes necessary. And regardless of battles that are victorious, the bloodshed of the innocent is a permanent stain for years to come. The magnitude of suffering through loss is endless. Our hearts should be breaking.
It is shameful that many, if not most, remain ignorant to the perils that surround us. People are intoxicated with nonsense. Their minds are so easily numbed that they’ve become drones. I guess at some level, that’s the enemy’s doing. But people aren’t always victims of an evil plot. They are willing participants in their oblivion.
Most of us sleep comfortably each night. We close our eyes having no fear of what’s coming in the morning. We’ve been protected and sheltered. We’ve never had to be concerned with someone beating down our door, taking us hostage, decapitating our head or burning us alive. This is the United States and we are a super power. Nobody dare tread on us. This sort of thing, this kind of war, well, that happens elsewhere. Well, for now it is elsewhere.
Ignorance is bliss. And so many are content living in false realities. But it’s coming. There is a storm on the horizon. And when all the boundaries have been breached, and when all the systems of protection collapse, ignorance offers no hope.
Across the ocean on the other side of the globe, chaos has erupted. War had to be declared. And life will never be the same. They went to bed without a care. They woke up to a new reality. Are we ready for that same fate? War is all around us. The enemy is doing battle everywhere, not only on the frontlines. His battlefield is everyone. His goal, deceive, destroy and kill. Are we even aware that we are targets for destruction? Are we aware that with the exception of Jesus, everything we hold fast to will fail?
Wars will one day end. The world will pass away. No artificial intelligence, political administration, Hollywood or anything else can stop God’s plan. And when that does come to pass, which side of the cross will you be on? Will you have sold your soul for a little world peace or will you have taken up your cross to follow Him?
Be diligent in research. Be smart. Be wise. Use discernment and caution. Don’t be reckless and arrogant. Be a Berean and know truth. And walk as close as you can to Jesus.
The day is coming. Look all around. It’s already here.