The Cross
The cross is the great equalizer for all mankind, because at the foot of that rugged piece of wood, sin become an even playing field. The most righteous and the most horrific are one in the same, broken, lost, and in need of a Savior, and they must come to Him the same way.
The cross, and instrument that was designed to punish, and kill and symbolized death. Awe, the great paradox of the cross is such a revolting sight of a beaten, bloodied, tortured body of an innocent Savior, drenched in wrath-filled blood, is also the same place where beauty radiates so intensely.
May I be so bold and confident to say, that there is just one way to God, and one way to heaven, and that is by way of the cross. Nobody will get there absent an encounter with the cross.
Salvation doesn’t come through Mary and it doesn’t come by good works. It comes only by the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ and that blood is for everyone. We’ve all been bought and paid for by the blood that was shed. The gift is ours to redeem, but it has to be claimed. And that begins at the cross.