Thoughts for today…..
We are often the greatest influence in our life. We allow our thoughts, feelings, emotions and how we talk to ourselves shape our identity and how we see ourselves. Sadly, the majority of time we get it wrong.
The enemy whispers and sometimes shouts, and we so easily forgo the new creation that replaced the old. If only we could marinate in His promises.
The labels we so easily slap on ourselves usually, never line up with Scripture. But we willingly wear them and often hide behind them in shame or brokenness while embracing a lie.
The labels bring with them boundaries that hold us captive to a life we’ve already laid down at the cross. His blood bleeds freedom and yet we convince ourselves to live in bondage; slaves to a perception that no longer exists. A sin, and sin nature that has been trampled.
Sadly, that enslavement is often reinforced by immature or legalistic minds that pollute the gorgeous Gospel of the freedom and forgiveness we have in Christ. Those people should be avoided at all costs. Surround yourself with those who champion redemption, restoration and newness.
2 Corinthians 3:18 and we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord‘s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the spirit.
Such power, such truth, such hope for the broken. We are image bearers and it is His image we bear. We are in the process of transformation through consecration by the Holy Spirit being perfected by the Perfector.
If we could only embrace His truth, His might and His power we’d see glory more often than not. We see radiant faces beaming like Moses as a holy metamorphosis evolves.
Time is so short. Don’t live in bondage to a label or slave to a struggle that is no longer yours to own. And never allow others to hold you captive to what you have already been forgiven; that slate is clean.
We need to fix our hearts upon the glory of Jesus Christ. We need to rest in the freedom of the Spirit. Because we have been crucified with Christ, we are uniquely qualified to represent Him on this earth. Don’t allow anyone or anything define what the Author has done and is continually doing in your life.