If you think we are going back to “normal” you are delusional. There has never been a time when Pandora goes back in her box. There has never been a time when you gain back freedoms once surrendered. If we’ve learned anything from history, we know that freedom prevails when you say, “I will not comply” and then stand-up and fight the tyrannical giant.
Do you really think you have any control of your life or over your children, because you don’t. The government does, and we’ve surrendered to them that power. We don’t want to get involved, we don’t want to disagree, we don’t want to draw attention to ourself. And, oh, the big one, “Let’s not talk politics in church.” Well, the problems we have today are a result of the church laying dormant and doing nothing for decades. Seeker friendly churches who don’t want to offend may be full, but yet oh, so empty. Open your Bible Christian because Jesus was offensive. He was so offensive, they hung Him on a cross..
Have you seen what is happening in Australia? Are you watching closely? Did you witness the 24,000 children taken and vaccinated? Contract tracing? Mandatory access to your personal life? Are you okay with that? Are you okay with folks being forcibly removed from their homes? You don’t think that is coming here? That plan is already in the works.
The same President who said no Americans would be left behind is now making medical decisions for you and your children. Maybe you are okay with that but I’m not. It is just a matter of time until you will be forced into something that goes against your morals, and principles and you will be forced to comply.
This is real. Isolation houses, Green houses, Well camps, whatever you want to call them, they are real. FEMA has been deployed. The UN is here. Haven’t heard of that? Probably because the mainstream media doesn’t report realities like this.
Today, it is vaccinations. Get the vaccination and all will be okay. Yeah, okay until it hits you where it hurts. Will anything hurt? Will it hurt when churches are told they can’t preach the truth of the Bible? Will it hurt when they try to close our doors? Oh, that’s right, they did that. It didn’t seem to bother too many Christians when churches were closed in 2020. Sorry if you disagree, but in a “pandemic” or any other crisis the church should remain open, leading the way, we are called to be the light and look different than the world.
We are a spoiled, rotten nation that has gotten so comfortable and cowardly. How God has put up with us this long is just a demonstration of His grace. But time is running out. If you are a lukewarm Believer, I beg you to open your Bible and read. Read Daniel, Ezekiel, Zechariah, Revelation, Matthew. Stop sleeping. Wake-up!
I used to wonder how the anti-christ would be able to deceive so well that people could be easily maniupated into submission. They won’t be manipulated. They will walk willingly into submission so they can get back to normal.