The Real Enemy is Standing
It is time we stop viewing Satan as a little devil with a red suit and pitchfork because he’s not. If we really knew and understood our enemy, we would be in a perpetual state of defense. When soldiers are in battle, they never allow their adversary to cross enemy lines and even getting close would cause a chain of reactions to rid their presence.
Don’t we realize the enemy is all around us? The Bible is so clear of his end game, he wants to dismantle and destroy; there is no hidden agenda. The Bible even gave us his strategy, his battle plan against us –he’s a deceiver and uses deception powerfully, and one-by-one, we go down.
We have so easily allowed him into our lives and homes, and many of us have welcomed him with open arms. The Bible clearly says to be on guard, but often, we take that lightly. We are such arrogant and prideful people believing we not only can recognize, but can handle what the enemy throws our way. It should be clear by way of this culture that we are fooling ourselves.
All over the New Testament, Paul makes it clear the power of the mind and therefore, he tirelessly warns us to guard it in every way possible. But so often we quickly skim through those scriptures and then move about life believing we’ve got this, when we really don’t.
Satan shows up in subtle, sometimes almost sweet ways through entertainment. He uses Hollywood, music and books and gets into our minds numbing us of the holiness of Jesus. We are consumed by the humor and romance, the happy endings that give us a momentary joy and excitement, so we easily tolerate garbage and indulge while our minds deteriorate. We are desensitized to the righteousness of God and the culture doesn’t look as bad as it did yesterday.
Books like Harry Potter are passed around, praised, even celebrated as they portray witches, warlocks, magic and sorcery, things a Holy God hates. We simply water it down and are thankful our kids are reading. Ah, I know now I’ve struck a nerve, because with over 500 million copies sold, people will do whatever it takes to justify their fictional hero. Let me assure you, the enemy is getting in with minimal effort, and it is being allowed to do his work.
Deception. What a powerful weapon of the enemy. He has taken down millions with this clever tactic, it’s quite effective. Our minds are so polluted with garbage that we can’t seem to recognize a delusion even in its most blatant form. What once was wrong is now right, what was once evil is now good, what was a lie is now truth, and the delusions grow. 2 Timothy 4:3-5 tells us this will happen, “For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths and delusions.” And so many, so easily and willingly walk into delusional thinking.
The term sheeple has offended and hurt many people, especially this past year. The word itself simply means, people compared to sheep in being docile, foolish, or easily led or persuaded. The enemy loves sheeple because then, he doesn’t have to work as hard. A politician, a doctor, or the media says it, we believe it, and that settles it, regardless of their relationship with Jesus – oh how simple that was for a cunning deceiver. Athletes, actors, even speakers and preachers weigh in with their opinions, and ideas and people flood to follow without ever bending a knee in search of discernment and truth.
My, my, we’ve made the job of our enemy so easy. But I won’t. I can’t. My life is at stake, and the lives of my husband and kids are at stake. My church bears a giant target as the enemy wants to take it down and will stop at nothing to accomplish his goal. But I know how to fight back and am determined to fight with everything given to me.
The Bible is oh so clear if we are not in the Word – and not just skimming the scriptures when we need a Spiritual pick-me-up – seeking the Lord, His truth, and His way, He will reveal Himself to us. If we are people of prayer, and again, not just flippant prayers, but on bended knee seeking His face, crying out to our God to lead us, expose the enemy and prevail in our lives, He will.
But if we are in a perpetual state of indulging our minds instead of guarding and protecting them, then the path for enemy is made easy. If we fall prey to misguided ideas given by a lost, corrupt world, then we become useful tools of the enemy. We become more damaging to the Kingdom of God and more helpful to the kingdom of the evil one.
This is not a time to mince words. Wake-up sleepy believer! The enemy is here, and not even trying to be subtle. Step into the power of Jesus Christ! If we truly knew and understood the untapped power that our God is wanting to unleash through us, we’d forgo the garbage of the world and consume Him.
The battle is raging. It is time to stop just saying you are on His side and start living in a way that demonstrates your allegiance.