Most all people who have supported the pro-life movement have known the deep-seeded evilness and hatred of Margaret Sanger. Her evilness against humanity, the unborn and her blatant hatred for the black community, Jews, Asians and others have had a horrific ripple effect for decades to this day. Her racism was a strategic plan to eliminate those on the receiving end of her hate and wrath.
Many politicians have literally drooled over this woman hailing her as a hero and a leader for women and women’s movements. Yes, even Hilary Clinton spoke highly of her admiration of this woman. But there is nothing good about Margret Sanger and it wasn’t a secret. You don’t have to dig too deep to know and understand the truth behind her movement and the deep hatred she had, and intention to exterminate the blacks, Jews and Asians; it is was clear. So many have tried to expose the truth but it wouldn’t be heard. But truth is truth and eventually, lies will be exposed.
The Bible says in Psalm 85:11 “Truth shall spring out of the earth, and righteousness shall look down from the heavens.” I love that God is bringing out truth. He is exposing true character and heart. He is exposing lies, evilness, and evildoers. He is exposing deception, sex trafficking rings and the vipers behind them. He is allowing it all to be exposed in the light. Why? Because God is a promise keeper and He said He would.
Margaret Sanger has always been exposed, many just refused to see it and they still don’t. Although finally, most-likely because of the pressure, Planned Parenthood has disavowed her over eugenics. Although long overdue, it is a start.
The crazy thing I am seeing is although things are being exposed and as truth is coming to light, so many just don’t care. There is such commitment to personal convictions, thoughts and ideas that regardless of contradicting what God says, what truth really is, and what blatant lies are being exposed, many choose to ignore what is right in front of them; “they exchange truth for a lie.” Sadly, we know what God does when a heart is so blatantly hardened and pride tramples humility. But nonetheless, God will not be stopped.
In these days where the line in the sand is being drawn, what side will you be on? Will your heart be softened to truth? Will you search it out, seek it out and embrace it when it comes your way? No conviction is worth hanging onto if it jeopardizes the truth of Christ. Don’t allow the lies of this world rule your heart.