Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”
How has Tik Tok become such an authority? This platform for random people to bark opinions and ideas fueled with anything but a biblical foundation. Such ridiculousness. Okay, maybe not all are twisted and off, but what is floating out there is dark and people swarm to it like bees on honey.
People wake up each morning and reach for their phones to scroll through social media. Mindless, wasted hours of time sucking garbage from people we don’t even know. What would it look like if folks reached for their bibles? What would it look like if the amount of time on social media was focused in the Word?
What’s out there is hate. What’s out there is division. What’s out there is only intensifying the already dark and dismal scenery we live. People are easily and radically persuaded by the opinions of some random Joe with thousands of followers over the Creator of the world. It makes no sense to me.
People who were never really solid in their faith are deconstructing out of it based on the ideologies of others. They never fully understood the Scriptures or took the time to study the Word but are now liberated from the oppressiveness of Christ through someone else’s truth, someone’s Tik Tok, someone’s story. It’s tragic.
The movement leaves little or no room for absolute truth and therefore, Christianity, the Bible, have become relative or even fiction. Absolute truth is an endangered way of living because people want to create their own truth. What works for them is their truth and you must accept it. Why? People want to live in their perceived happiness they don’t really want an absolute truth.
But what happens when your truth collides with others? What happens when your moral compass is challenged by someone who’s moral code is nonexistent? What happens when someone’s values contradicts yours and ultimately damages someone you love?
Everyone wants to believe their thinking and beliefs are superior. People seem to think they have mankind figured out. We know what justice needs to look like. We create what is acceptable and permissible as sexual beings. Don’t tell me what love is and isn’t. Love is love. Until it is warped by someone’s truth that doesn’t quite align with popular thinking…… but don’t worry, one day it will.
My sarcasm, my satirical ramblings, they are not meant to hurt, never to hurt but hopefully to help wake people up. People seem to have convinced themselves or have been so easily influenced by the world. They are falling into a sad place embracing the belief that the Bible is oppressive, antiquated, and hurtful. Those are the people that don’t understand. They’ve filled their heads with garbage and not enough gospel. The scales have become thick. They are angry, bitter and so lost.
The Word of God is freedom. It is healing. It is restoration. It is justice. It’s love. How arrogant we’ve become in our humanness to think we can out love God or out compassion God. Do we really believe our ideas of justice are superior to Gods? We are rewriting love, sex and gender to fit opinion, feelings and emotions. Where will we be when those feelings change?
There’s got to be an absolute truth otherwise chaos erupts. Actually, chaos has erupted and the outpouring is ugly. As we cut out the Word of God, we see more madness and less order. These are the days of Noah.
The Bible, sure it can be overwhelming. But in it, from cover to cover is this amazing love story written for me and you. It is written to those that are confused, hurting, broken, wronged, abandoned, cheated, lost. It is penned by the holy one to be received by the sinful one to restore, make a new and redeem.
In a world of platform where people rise and fall like the sun, there is one who has stood the test of time. His promises are upheld. His grace is sufficient. His love never ending. And His way is perfect. And He is Jesus Christ.
“Seek me and you will find me when you search for me with all your heart.”