Back in the seventies, I can remember my parents going to vote. As a little girl, I learned the great importance, value and pride of checking a box. I came to understand that we had a say in how we’d be led as a people. By watching my parents do their civic duty as constituents, I realized how fortunate I was to live where I lived.
Voting was expected back then. People took pride in going to the polls and casting their ballot. But it was also very different. Times have definitely changed. Everything is magnified. Families have been divided over a candidate and people mocked, hated or worse, for their support of a particular politician. It’s frightening to have an opinion that runs counter to culture.
It has become downright ugly and dirty. We’ve lost our ability to respect and be kind. There’s an inability to agree to disagree. Shameful. But that’s a personal flaw within so many that must be corrected if we are ever going to remain a republic.

So many reasons why folks don’t vote. Bad behavior coupled with the lack of trust and confidence in our voting system has detoured many from participating in civic life. People simply do not want to get involved.
Oh I get it, somewhat. Politics and many politicians are decadent. It gets tiring supporting candidates who run amuck or fail to keep their promises. But then again, some do work hard to bring effective change and some are the real deal. I happen to know several of them.
Of course, there is also that lack of faith in the system. That goes a long way in convincing folks to stay away. People just give up. Does our vote even matter? Do we really have a say?
I’ve heard so many folks waging arguments to defend their decision not to participate in elections. After all, if God is in control then why do I need to vote. Whatever is going to happen will happen. Just a few of the attitudes that stop people from checking a box.
Here’s the thing, God has done some amazing things when His people obediently faced giants. He grants victory, favor and even more time. God has placed us in this nation, and your vote matters.
As Americans, we are allowed the opportunity to influence our laws. This isn’t the norm for most countries. It is a unique privilege, and blessing. It is part of being a citizen in the land of the free.
But for the Believer, it goes one giant step further. Our ability to vote means we have the chance to bring our biblical worldview to the public square. And now more than ever we need to exercise that opportunity. Let’s face it, much of our trouble today is a result of Godless leaders. We should be running to the polls.
This is a big election y’all. I’d say it is bigger than our presidential election. For some reason, we seem to forget about the mid-terms. We seem to coast and not consider all that is at stake, and there is so much at stake. So much is riding on this election that it is frightening.
It’s true, we don’t have control of what is uncontrollable. Will there be cheating? Maybe. Will your elected offical fail you? There’s a good chance. But by voting, maybe just maybe, we can preserve our republic just a bit longer. And in that bit longer, who knows the lives that may be saved, the hearts that may be softened, and the souls that will have a new destiny.
Get out and vote. It doesn’t make you a radical for wanting to be a part of your nation’s direction. There is coming a day when this freedom to participate in an election for leadership will be a thing of the past. Take advantage of this opportunity. It’s our duty. It’s our privilege. It is part of being a citizen in the good ol’ U.S. of A.