I get to go to church today!
I am thankful for my freedom to worship. Freedom is precious and freedom is sacred.
For more than two centuries, we have relished in the freedoms of this nation. We’ve come a long way with those freedoms and yes, there is a ways to go but we will never get there by going backwards.
I think we’ve gotten so comfortable in our freedom we’ve become lazy, so lazy that we don’t even recognize the face of Liberty or understand it’s definition.
I guess Ronald Reagan was right when he said “Freedom is never more than a generation away” because we are losing that freedom that was fought for with fervor and passion. Maybe we don’t respect it because we weren’t the people who fought for it.
What happened to the American spirit? Have we lost our drive, our grit our desire for independence? Have we coward to a government rule? Where is the fire and fight that once lived in the American heart? I don’t even recognize this landscape anymore, it’s foreign and hostile.
Freedom is being free, without boundaries. But we’ve become a people that don’t want to make noise, ruffle feathers, or get caught in the crossfire of politically correctness. I think my father’s generation would refer to that as cowardliness.
When will hurt? When will people say enough is enough? You don’t get to pick and choose your freedoms so remember that as you champion behind those trying to take them away for a “good” cause, or so they say because there is no good cause for taking away freedom.
So again, I ask, when will it hurt? What will it take to stir the hearts of a complacent people? Does it hurt that you don’t have a voice in what your child’s education? Will you get uncomfortable enough to fight on behalf of your children or will you choose that blind eye for a piece of peace?
Will it be when the church door is permanently closed? Let’s not forget, they did that, and succeeded quite well all across the nation. The beacon of hope and light was easily extinguished in the name of fear. That, was a disgrace. But it’s coming again and we shouldn’t live as if it isn’t. And few will rise, but many more will fall.
Soon it will be a crime to preach the truth of the gospel, after all, it is quite offensive. Gender neutral bibles are being produced and distributed by the masses and pastors are embracing this crooked and heretical theology; you know for the sake of appeasing all. People are drinking it up and drowning in their ignorance as they willingly walk into a lie.
Zombies. We don’t need our DNA messed with to make us immobile, we’ve willingly stepped into a world where we are told how to live, and what to think. We’ve embraced the idea that we are too incompetent to make our own conclusions. That, my friend, is the end of freedom.
So, I guess thst infamous speech Ronald Reagan made on October 27, 1964 was somewhat prophetical, because here we are less than 60 years later in a nation where the government determines what is right and true. Censorship, threats, mandates politically correctness….. it is all the opposite of liberty.
It’s a subtle decay, a subtle erosion, like the frog in the boiling water, but it will get you and when it finally reaches your boiling point, it will be too late to jump into action.
So, today I go to church. I exercise my freedom to worship and I quench my desire to be with fellow followers of Christ worshipping our King. I don’t have to hide or sneak to get into the house of worship, yet. The Gospel will be preached, and hard truth will prevail. Hard truth that knocks me on my butt and drives me to repentance. And when that Liberty is finally taken, for the record, I will never stop.