Today is your wedding day. Hard to believe that just 23 years ago some strange person put you into my arms. This helpless baby was mine to raise and help grow into a man. What a charge, what a gift!
It seems like yesterday I was teaching you to swim, sitting in the bleachers, coaching your soccer team, and going on our many exciting adventures. It seems like yesterday we were dancing in the family room, baking in the kitchen and shooting hoops at the court. Wasn’t it just yesterday that we cuddled in bed and read your favorite silly stories, laughing until it hurts?
I realize a part of this beautiful life, is this ongoing process of letting go. We let go of jobs, careers, friends, homes, and possessions. Life marches forward, and as we age, we are forced to continually let go. And so we let go of our youth, as it quickly slips away with each passing day. We let go of our physical abilities and our health as things begin to fail. We let go of loved ones as they move on or pass away. And on and on it goes. But I think the hardest to let go of is our children.
When you have kids, life is like warp speed, it flies on by mercilessly. One day you are holding him in your protective arms, and the next you are releasing him into another woman’s arms; to have and to hold and take him forward where you leave off.
It is a cruel yet beautiful part of parenting. We raise them to be independent and strong. We raise them to have aspirations and to venture out into an unfair and angry world. We raise them to chase after Jesus. Every lesson, discipline and piece of advice is to get them to a place where they become Kingdom changers. We raise them to be bold, confident, hardworking. We raise them with the sincerest of intentions to release them to another woman; but it doesn’t mean it’s easy. We raise them to let them go. And then, in a blink of the eye, they do.
I was the first woman to love you and the first woman you loved and I realize what a sacred honor that has been, a treasure in my treasure chest of jewels. Why God gave me such a privilege and blessing I will never fully understand; it is one not deserved. But nonetheless a role I have never taken lightly.
Today’s the day I let you go. Today is the day I release you into the arms of your beautiful bride. Today is the day I say, my job is done. And, well done at that, because you have become an extraordinary young man. A true warrior and I absolutely adore everything about you. I expect great things to come forth from this newer version of the Alcosiba family.
Today is the day I take a step back. I am no longer on the frontlines screaming for you as I have always done, but step back into the shadows as your bride takes the baton and runs your race with you. But know, I will always remain in your corner, cheering you on from a distance, for better and worse, from this day forward.
I am you mom. And as the story goes, “I will love you forever, and like you for always. As long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be” so keep me in your heart.
Congratulations my precious son. I love you.