Unholy. And the crowd goes wild. Don’t be so uptight, it’s music. It’s art. It’s just a playful performance of a satanic ritual, and it’s all in good fun. They mean no harm. They’re performers.
I guess I’m old. Maybe I am uptight. Maybe I don’t have an understanding or an appreciation for the “fine arts” of today. Maybe I just don’t want to.
Evil was raised up and celebrated and thousands watched it. They allowed it in their homes. Thousands gathered around with their children introducing them to a fallacy, a misguided view of Satan. They made him look, you know, not so bad. And he laughs and laughs as he gets a foothold of the very ones he’s after to destroy.
One thing I do know is their depiction of Satan is way off. They have no clue. A red devil with a pitchfork? Well I guess that is an accurate view for most. If only Satan is that playful. There is this gross misunderstanding of the wickedness of our enemy. The ignorance is so great it is frightening. His schemes are are accomplished with minimal effort because of that naivety.
He will portray himself in anyway you need him to be to get you where he wants you. He’s good at it. Oh so clever, but the Bible warned of this. He can appear as an angel of light, attractive, seemingly good and right. And then, people follow. They follow him willingly and unapologetically. They so easily open their door and let him in believing he is harmless. He paralyzes them with his venom and they no longer see clearly. Another victory on the dark side of evil.
Satan isn’t just after those pursuing holiness. He isn’t simply going after those who are committed to following Christ. Satan is after you and your children, your family and friends. He is a deceiver, and deception is his strong suit. He will derail you with confusion and blind you to the truth. He’s steals, destroys and kills and he will use his craftiness to pull you in his direction. He won’t stop until he sucks everything from your life and creates the illusion that your just fine.
There’s this arrogance that exists. People think they got it all figured out. They pay tribute to the father of lies and his power. It’s cool. It’s no big deal. But they are messing with eternal fire.
These are the days we live. Unholiness is what is celebrated. It’s what the people want. They don’t seem to understand that sometimes, unholiness and evil come wrapped in pretty packages. They don’t recognize it until their lives are so far removed from the truth, and they are left without hope, empty and suffering. He’s got you right where he wants you.
If only people could see. If only they understood how lost they really are, because this delusion that is being lived, will one day cost you your soul. But it doesn’t have to. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Long ago, a bloodstained cross served as the reminder of the freedom that was given. Freedom from sin. Freedom from darkness. Freedom from our past. Freedom for restoration. Freedom from the one who so easily ensnared and enslaved us along the way. It was on that cross that the father of lies, the deceiver, the thief who steals the heart and robs the soul, he was forever defeated. He doesn’t have to have rule in your life anymore.
“Choose this day whom you will serve.” Whether you realize it or not, you are serving one or the other. Both masters lead to eternity. One leads to everlasting darkness, the other, everlasting light. The greatest truth about Christ is, wherever you are, redemption is can be received.
Time is short. Don’t be deceived any longer. He’s waiting.