“If God is the creator of all things, and if the Bible has his seal of truth and power, then the Bible has the right to interrogate my life and culture, and not the other way around.” ~Rosaria Butterfield
If you believe otherwise, then you are serving a God of your own creation, otherwise known as an idol. Your ideas, opinions, feelings, and emotions are just that and are completely irrelevant to a holy and perfect God.
Regardless, we will all be interrogated on that day. For me, I’d much rather be interrogated while there is time to repent. No, I don’t always happen to like those difficult parts of Scripture that cut like a two-edged sword, but I need them. I need to be corrected and set straight; we all do. But not all of us are willing to have the Word of God shape and change us. Funny, there are many that are still convinced they know better.
People talk about unity centered on love; a nice idea but one that will never happen this side of heaven. Jesus was clear when He said He came to divide people, He came to separate. The real question is, which side do you stand? Is there enough evidence to convict you of being a follower of Jesus Christ or a follower of the world?
We will all face His heavenly court come judgement day. The verdict will be passed down by Jesus Himself. The sentence for all of us is eternity. Where you serve out your sentence, heaven, or hell, is entirely up to you.